How to Hang Laundry Baskets on Wall | Most Popular Way

How to Hang Laundry Baskets on Wall

It’s a fact that washing baskets, whether they hold clean or dirty clothes, take up excessive amounts of space in the laundry and around the house. Even when you have designated shelf space for laundry baskets, it can create a storage nightmare. Additionally, they clutter shelves with more miscellaneous items.

Furthermore, they tend to clutter shelves with more miscellaneous items and take up a lot of space. You can hang laundry baskets from shelf brackets if you have wall space to spare and want a new way to store them. Install two parallel wall strips at the correct distance to the width of your baskets, then hang wall brackets at the appropriate length. Make sure your frames fit under the basket’s lip.

The Best Way to Hang Laundry Baskets on The Wall

If you have a laundry room, hanging baskets are an excellent idea for separating dirty clothes, carrying everything folded all at once, or storing soaps and detergents. There are so many options available! Why limit it to that it is not just a laundry room problem? These baskets are suitable for storing anything and board games, toys, stuffed animals, and craft supplies.

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Measuring Tape
  • Stud Finder
  • Drill
  • Two long, thin wall mounts 
  • A pair of shelf brackets per basket
  • Six screws or drywall anchors

Step 1: 

Measure the basket’s bottom side. The handles must sit beneath brackets to hold the basket, so don’t measure them.

Step 2: 

Choose a location for your wall mounts. Find a stud. Use drywall anchors instead of stud finders if your baskets are shorter/broader than the distance between studs.

Step 3: 

Make sure the distance between the two wall mounts equals the measurement you took from your basket when you mark the location for the top of each support. Don’t drill until you’ve measured twice.

Step 4: 

Your wall mount should have a hole at the top for a screw or drywall anchor. Drill a hole in the wall and screw it in place.

Step 5: 

Ensure your wall mount is level, and drill a hole in the bottom for your screw or drywall anchor.

Step 6: 

Add extra security to your wall mount by drilling a screw/drywall anchor into the middle of the support.

Step 7: 

You will need to repeat Steps 3 through 6 on the second wall mount.

Step 8: 

Attach the shelf brackets to the wall mount. It’s like using pegboard accessories. Keep your baskets straight by placing them across each other.

Step 9:

Make sure your baskets are hung from shelf brackets.

Where Should You Keep Your Laundry Basket?

It is unnecessary to lay out laundry baskets, hampers, bags, or sorters in specific places around the house. Placing laundry baskets, hampers, bags, or sorters around the house is unnecessary. However, it would help if you placed them near where people usually change clothes. In any case, it depends on how your home is set up. You can put them in the following areas:


When you live with adults or older children, it’s best to have separate hampers per room to keep your clothes clean. Gathering dirty laundry before you wash it is easier if you have a laundry basket for each room. This way, dirty clothes won’t get thrown on the chair or the floor.


It is also possible to place the laundry basket outside the bathroom for convenience. The bathroom is where you get ready for a shower. Keep a laundry basket outside the bathroom so you can do your laundry quickly. The bathroom is a convenient place to hold a laundry basket.

Laundry Room

Having laundry baskets in the laundry room makes sense since that is where you do the laundry. When you bring dirty clothes to the laundry room, it takes time and effort. You can place laundry baskets in the laundry room rather than transferring them from your bedroom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do You Do With Laundry Baskets in The Laundry Room?

A laundry basket is an excellent tool for separating clean and dirty items from each other and separating whites from colors. The laundry basket keeps your things dry, organized, and neat until you are ready to put them away. As well as moving clean, folded laundry back to the closet or drawers, they can also transport dirty laundry.

Where Should I Put a Laundry Basket?

Laundry baskets belong in the laundry room since it’s where you do your laundry. Laundry takes effort every time dirty clothes are brought to it. It is easier to carry laundry baskets from the laundry room to the bedrooms if you place them in the laundry room.

Why Do Laundry Baskets Have Holes?

In Home Decor Bliss’ opinion, dirty clothes contain moisture (sweat), and clean garments include water (from the dryer’s heat), so basket holes allow this air to escape quickly. These holes can fix the issue of mold and mildew growing in the moisture.


When you want something that will make your life easier, you shouldn’t hesitate to invest in high-quality laundry baskets wall mounted. Quality laundry baskets wall mounted are still crucial for having a product that meets your needs. Wall-mounted laundry baskets are widely available. Finding the right provider can, however, be a challenge.

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