How to Remove Nanit From Wall Mount? Your Step-by-Step Nanit Removal Guide

How to Remove Nanit From Wall Mount

Nanit is a modern gen camera to monitor and track your baby while you are away. It’s hard to watch a newborn or a toddler for 24 hours straight if you are a working parent. Nanit comes with an easy installation process as well as removal. When you don’t need it or are moving house, You need to remove your Nanit carefully so you can use it again.

Disconnecting Nanit From Wall

Nanit comes with many safety measures to avoid electric contracts because it’s placed near your baby’s crib. The packaging includes wire covers to cover the mounting wire over the crib, so your baby doesn’t get hold of the wire. The wire covers are attached to the wall using a strong adhesive which is hard to remove.

The Wire cover is secured with an end cap; start removing the body from there by creating friction using a chisel. To remove the adhesive attached to the wall, Use steam to dissolve the glue from the wall and a wet towel to obliterate it without harming the wall.

Also, the Nanit camera is detachable. The best thing about the Nanit Camera is only the owner can disconnect it from devices. In other words, It might be a hectic process, but it ensures the safety measures and privacy of parenting. If you have more than one camera installed in your house, you can detach any of them by using the Nanit app installed on your device.

To Detach the camera, You need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Nanit App and tap the side menu
  2. Choose the camera; You want to detach
  3. Choose the Baby Setting and scroll to Advance settings
  4. Tap on the Detach Camera option
  5. Confirm the process by receiving a message from Nanit

That is how you Detach The Nanit camera from your device.

How Do I Remove Nanit Camera?

Nanit camera comes with all the necessary things you need for mounting. To remove the camera, there is some procedure you need to go through.

Firstly, Press the reset button back of the camera to reset the settings to remove devices connected to the camera. Then Press and hold the grey button on the back of the camera to gently remove it from the mount and disconnect the power adapter.

Now gently pull off the wires from the wall.

The following process is to remove the mount from the wall. You will notice three screws are attached to the wall holding the support, Simply unscrew the charger and remove it from the wall.

Can I Move The Nanit Camera?

A nanit camera is made to give you the best footage of your children and can detect specific children with nanite profiles on your app. The installation process of nanit is super simple, and you can move the nanite camera anywhere. Nanit can give you a 240-degree angle view. 

If you have a wall mount you can easily change the position of your planet but first, you need to turn it off from your app. If it’s mounted on a stand you can easily move it, and even take it with you for monitoring your baby while you are on a trip. You can even move it from wall mount to stand as it’s very handy to use and operate.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I mount a baby monitor without drilling the wall?

Nanit comes with all the instalment instruments and the best part of man is its very easy installation. There is no need for drilling on the wall and the nanit camera itself is very lightweight, so it can be mounted using adhesive strips, which doesn’t require finding studs.

Has Nanit ever been hacked?

Nanit is mainly monitored by wifi, so yes it’s quite possible to hack if your wifi is not protected.

Can I use Nanit without WiFi?

While the installation process, requires wifi, bu t nanit can still simultaneously keep seeding signals to your phone via Bluetooth if the wifi is not connected and the phone and the camera is under the same network.

Can I use Nanit for twins?

You can use one nanit camera to monitor twins. Just set up the camera at a very distance so it can cover both of the cribs and set up two profiles on your nanit app of your twins. With the help of the nanit app, you can operate several nanit cameras as well as have several accounts for your babies to monitor.

Does Nanit reduce SIDS?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrom (SIDS) is very common and almost 1 thousand children die every year. A Nanit app is a tool that continuously monitors your children while they are sleeping and records their sleep cycle and detects if there are any problem that occurs. It can be a useful tool as it also monitors the breathing system while the baby is sleeping but there’s no chance of reducing SIDS as it’s just a monitoring camera, not a doctor.

Do all baby monitor cameras need to be plugged in?

Nanit is a 24-hour monitoring camera so it must need to be plugged in as there’s no battery installed in nanit.To keep it on for monitoring the power supply should be continuous.

Is Nanit safe to sleep?

Nanit is a great help for a full-time working mother as it monitors the baby while the mother can have a sound sleep and keeps the baby on track. Nanit also ensures a safe and sound sleep for the baby, as it has a built-in soothing sound that automatically places if your baby is awake at night. it keeps tracking the oxygen and temperature of the baby and notifies it, to ensure a comfortable sleep.


Nanit can be considered a new-generation electric mom, as it helps working parents keep an eye on their children while working. It helps to monitor children from newborns to toddlers as well. Even it can be used for monitoring teenage children as well even parents can directly monitor their children and command them through the mic installed in nanit through the app. 

Additionally, there are so many functions in nanit that come with the app so you can easily handle your child away from the house. The nanit app also provides record detail which one can easily go through and check out the unusualities.

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