How To Hang Golf Clubs On Wall (4 Easy Ways)

How To Hang Golf Clubs On Wall

Golf clubs can be a pain to store when you’re not using them. They take up a lot of space, and they’re heavy! Storing your golf clubs can also be difficult if you have limited room in your home. There are many different techniques on how to hang golf clubs on walls, but we’ll show you some of the best methods that will keep your clubs organized and easy to access.

How To Hang Golf Clubs On A Wall?

With many methods available to hang golf clubs on the wall, you can choose any one of them based on your needs. To choose a specific method, you should consider some factors.

  • The first thing you need to consider is the size of your garage.
  • You should also consider the space available in your garage for hanging golf clubs.
  • Along with these, you need to consider the number of clubs you want to hang and their weight. If more than five or six golfers in your family play regularly and keep their golf clubs stored, then the weight and hanging pressure will be higher than usual.

After considering the above factors, you can use any of the methods below according to your necessity.

1. Golf Club Furniture

Golf club furniture is an excellent option for hanging your golf clubs. And, golf club furniture can simply be bought from a store or online. This type of furniture is available in different shapes and sizes, so you can choose the one that suits you best. The positive side is that it is easy to store golf club furniture, keeping it attached to the wall, as it does not take up much space and it’s lightweight. For the same reason, you can place it anywhere in your home or office and hang your golf clubs without any hassle.

2. Wall Mounted Golf Bag

If you’re looking for a way to store your clubs directly on your wall, we recommend hanging them using a wall-mounted golf bag. This is especially helpful if you have limited space in your home, garage, or attic. While many people use a golf bag stand that can be installed directly on the floor, we prefer hanging our clubs from the wall because it allows more flexibility with where we store our bags.

Not to mention, there are several ways to hang a golf bag. But one method involves using a golf bag stand which has two hooks at the top that are used to hold up any club that hangs from them. The other option involves installing an anchor into your wall and attaching straps from it to hold each of your clubs individually. This works best if there aren’t too many clubs.

To attach these straps so that they don’t fall off over time, make sure they’re tight enough by pulling hard after tightening them down all around before letting go off any tension left behind inside its brackets. This ensures maximum security without risking their loosening over time due to normal wear-and-tear conditions occurring throughout daily usage.

3. Use A Stand-Alone Golf Bag Rack

This is the best method to hang golf clubs on the wall. Here, you’ll use a stand-alone golf bag rack attached to the wall. This type of rack allows you to easily access all your clubs, including putters and other specialty clubs, without having them take up much space or be in the way. Some models even have pockets for storing balls and tees so that they’re always at hand while you’re playing.

A suitable stand-alone golf bag holder is sturdy enough not just to hold all your gear but also to withstand the weight of whatever bag you carry around. It is also easy to install on any flat surface, like a wall in your home, garage, or wherever else suits your needs.

4. Store The Clubs In The Attic Or Basement

The attic or basement wall can also be a great place to store your golf clubs. If you have neither, consider building a small storage space in the garage to hang on the wall. Be sure to keep them out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources, like furnaces and radiators. Besides, you should ensure that your attic doesn’t get too humid. Because humidity can cause rusting on metal parts like the heads of irons and wedges.

When following this method, keep the golf bag away from sharp objects such as nails or screws. Otherwise, these things can puncture the bottom of the bag if it is placed on top of them without notice. We recommend placing old towels underneath each club bag before setting it down so that any sharp objects within reach cannot penetrate into its contents.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What Is The Best Way To Store Golf Clubs?

If you own a set of golf clubs, you know how important it is to keep them in good condition. In that case, the best way to store golf clubs is in a separate bag that fits into the golf cart or truck bed. Many people do not have room for a full-size bag and will opt for a smaller one that can be stored in the trunk or backseat of their car. Some other people prefer to keep their clubs on the wall or in a closet. The main concern with this method is that you will not be able to easily access your clubs when they need to be used.

Should My Clubs Be Upright Or Flat?

There is no major issue in keeping your clubs upright or flat. It totally depends on your choice and ease of usage. If you want easy access to your golf clubs at any time, you should keep them upright. Besides, keeping them upright can also keep dirt out of them. However, when there is a risk of being tripped over them, they can fall over because of someone’s movement. In such a condition, it is better to keep your club flat.


As you can see, it’s easy to hang golf clubs on the wall. Also, it doesn’t even take much time! You can store your golf clubs in a closet or garage, but you may want them out and visible so guests can see them when they come over. Besides, it’s nice to have everything off the floor to make cleaning up easier after practice sessions or tournaments.

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