How to Fix Paint Ripped Off Wall | in 8 Easy Steps

How to Fix Paint Ripped Off Wall

Sometimes, paint on your wall can rip off. It is a disgusting moment for every person who faces this problem. When you face paint ripped off your wall, it will reduce your wall’s beauty.

If you paint a dirty wall or paint in a wall that has extra moisture, then the problem can arise. In addition, when you have improper preparation and use latex paint on top of the oil paint, then the paint starts to flack off because of losing adhesion.

But do not worry! If you face this kind of problem and searching for an effective solution, then it is the right place. Read the article and follow the instructions to get rid of ripping paint on the wall. 

The Solution How to Fix Paint Ripped Off Wall

When you want to be ready to fix your paint-ripped wall, then you have to arrange some equipment that will help you to make the task easier. Here I will tell you about the equipment that is needed to fix the problem. 

  • Safety goggles
  • Dusk mask
  • Plastic drop cloth or tarp
  • Paint
  • Painters tape
  • Paint primer
  • Putty
  • Putty knife
  • Paint brush or rollers
  • Paint scraper
  • Tack cloth or cleaning sponge
  • Fine-grit sandpaper

These were the preparation to make a task implemented. Now I will discuss the actual process.

The First Step

Since removing paint from the wall and then applying paint on the wall are very messy jobs, you have to take proper protection. You have to wear safety goggles to protect your eye from the dust. In addition, you also have to use a dust mask. These two things will help you with paint and wall dusk. 

The Second Step

At this stage, you have to decide how much peeling paint you want to deal with. Then, empty the room and take some cloth or tarp to lay on the floor. If there is any remaining furniture in the room, then lay a drop cloth on the furniture. This process will help to keep the floor and the furniture free from paint dust. However, you can use a cloth or tarp to protect the doors, windows, and baseboard of the room from the paint dust. 

Then use masking tape to ensure the protection of the edges of your trim and windows. You have to be sure to line the masking tape up on each surface evenly. Be sure to lay the drop cloths directly up against the wall while laying them. When you can lay the drop cloths directly up against the wall, then you can capture paint splashes or spills and prevent the dust from staining your hardwood floors or carpet. 

Moreover, it will be better if you open up your doors and windows to allow a little ventilation in your room.

The Third Step

In this step, remove the ripped paint from your wall. Then, take a putty knife or paint scraper to scrape off the selected areas where the paint is ripped. It is possible to use a wire brush to remove the ripped paint from the wall. You have to be sure to scrape the surrounding areas around the ripped paint because it is necessary to repaint that area. 

The Fourth Step

After removing all of the ripped paint from your wall, you have to inspect the ceiling’s surface or the wall. In this stage, you should check for any other signs of damage, such as holes, cracks, or indentations in your wall, giving the area a better look. If you can figure out any hole, crack, or indentation on the wall, then use the patching compound to feel these areas. To apply the mixture and make the area smooth, you can try it with a knife. 

After applying this to the area, give some time to make the putty dry. To dry the putty, you should wait for ten to thirty minutes. When the putty is dried, then take a sheet of 80-grit sandpaper and smooth sand the putty to flush the putty with the remaining surface of your wall. Make sure there is no depression or bump on the wall. 

The Fifth Step

Then use a dry cloth to wipe down the surface to remove any particles or dust. It will help you to damp your sponge or the cloth gently with a little bit of water. 

Now apply the masking tape to the areas around the doors, windows, trim, and other areas connected to your wall to protect them from being painted. Then you have to use the putty knife to press into the edges. This task will help you to protect your carpet from being painted. 

The Sixth Step

After setting up the wall with the masking tape, you have to prime them. So, take out the primer and pour the primer into the painter’s tray. Then take a six-inch paint brush or a paint roller and apply the primer to all the ruined areas of the wall. 

It will be best to use a stain-fighter primer when you repaint a peeled area due to mildew or mold. This technique will be helpful in preventing this problem in the future. 

Now, wait to make the primer dry for thirty to forty minutes after applying the primer to all the damaged areas of the wall. Then, apply a new layer. When the first coat of the primer is dried, you have to apply an additional coat. 

The Seventh Step

When the last coat of the primer dries, then use the paint. Grab a paintbrush to apply primer and then paint the damaged area. You should use a two or three-inch of brush if you do not have to repaint the whole wall. 

Moreover, it will be the best policy if you use a roller when you want to paint the entire surface or a large area. If you require additional coats, then apply them up to three. 

The Eighth Step

In the last stage, you have to gently remove the masking tape from the room after drying the last coat of primer. Then wait for 24 to 48 hours to dry and then move the furniture back into the room.

By following these steps, you will be able to fix the paint that was ripped off the wall.

Can You Paint Over Ripped Paint?

It is possible to paint over ripped paint. If you would like to go over cracked paint instead of removing it from the wall, it is absolutely possible. To ensure the best finishing, you have to prepare the wall surface before painting over ripped paint. You have to include sanding the surface entirely and then applying an undercoat or a high-quality primer before painting over ripped paint on your wall. 

How Do You Fix Paint That Came Off with Tape?

It is actually very easy to fix the paint that came off with tape. At first, you have to fill in any small holes or divots with a putty knife and drywall paste. When the holes or divots are filled, then you have to slide the flat end of the putty knife over your wall to remove any of the extra repair paste. Then make the paste smooth out with the wall. At this stage, make the paste entirely dried. 

Now add some drywall paste layer if you need. With an extra layer, it is possible to fix any imperfections that the first layer cannot repair. Then remove the extra layer if it remains and make the paste smooth out with the help of a putty knife. Then make the repair past dry completely.

After that, you must feel your wall with your hand to identify any uneven or rough spot. To ensure that the wall is flat, you have to sand over the dried drywall paste. Then prepare the wall for a layer of paint, so apply primer over the repaired area of the wall. Now, make the primer entirely dry. 

Now, paint over your repaired wall and then dry the paint completely. After that, you should use a second coat of paint to gain an appropriate color.

Is It Possible to Paint over Patches of Paint?

When you would like to be sure that the surface is blended and bonded more comfortably, then you should use a primer. Moreover, when you want to clean and repair your wall, then you should prime the area of your wall where you want to clean and repair it. 

But remember, you should not go beyond the selected area where you want to apply latex primer. One more thing that you have to take into account is that you have to wait until the primer dries completely and then apply the paint to the surface. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Possible to Paint Over Chipped Paint?

Actually, it is not a very good decision to paint over chipped paint because the paint will not be long-lasting, smooth, or good in the end. When you paint over chipped paint, then the wall surface will be very uneven, rough, and poor. So, try not to paint over chipped paint.

Is It Okay to Remove Peeling Paint Before Repainting?

Yes, why not! You can remove peeling paint before repainting. You have to polish the old paint that is not adhering thoroughly. You should remove any paint that is curling up, flaking, or appearing to be flaking. You can use a powered tool or your hand to remove these peel paint from the surface.

How Can I Cover Up Peeled Paint?

You have to use 100-grit sandpaper or scraper when your car paint is cracked, peeling, or loose. At first, you should use an oily water-dipped rag to clean the area. Then grab a putty knife to apply a thin layer of patching material to the affected area. Then make the area completely dry.

Should I Paint Over Peeling Paint on Wood?

It will not be a good idea if you paint over peeling paint on wood. You have to remove the peeling paint from the wood. Because it will be uneven, streaking, and tacky painting if you paint over peeling paint on wood. 


This article makes you enable to fix paint-ripped walls very smartly. Actually, the mentioned method is a DIY process. You can remove any cracked, peeling, or loose paint with the help of 100-grit sandpaper or a scarper. However, if you would like to make any wall damage more noticeable, use a patching material to the damaged area with a putty knife. On the other hand, you should use 220-grit sandpaper if you want to make the patching area smooth.

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