Can I Use a 60 Watt Bulb in a 3-Way Lamp? Yes, You Can!

Can I Use a 60 Watt Bulb in a 3-Way Lamp

3-way lamps are used throughout history to set the mood of different environments. It can operate in 3 different wattages 50W,100W, and 150W. 

Depending on what type of lighting you need, you just screw on the button to raise the brightness or lower it whenever you want. They were first introduced back in 1902 and stayed on as a classic ever since.

The more convenient thing is that the lamps use the same E26 socket for their bulbs. The size of the bulb is also the same, but with different filament construction. This gives you the ability to change the light from a warm to a smooth tone.

But what happens if your bulb stops working? This is where the question comes can I use a 60-watt bulb in a 3-way lamp?

We are going to discuss that in this article.

Can I Use a 60 Watt Bulb in a 3-Way Lamp and Dim It

Not to keep you waiting, but the answer is Yes. you can use a 60-watt bulb in your 3-way lamp. No matter what the situation is, you can replace your bulb with a regular bulb anytime you want.

But it comes with a few setbacks. A 3-way lamp uses a 3-way bulb, that lets it change the bulb operating wattage. There are 2 connectors in the socket for a 3-way bulb.

As there is a 50W and a 100W filament in the bulb, the bulb also has 2 different connectors. When you want a 50W smooth light, it connects only one of those connectors.

The 100W connector works separately and can give a medium warm light. This lights up the bulb with a 100W filament. 

And when you rise above that to 150W, both the connectors work together and light up the bulbs both 50W and 100W filament giving you a much brighter and warmer light.

But for a regular 60W light, it only has the bottom connector. Unlike the 3 way bulb, there is no side connector. So your bulb will only light up from the bottom connector. 

You will be left with just one state of light. It is useful if you don’t have a spare and needs light right away. 

It doesn’t harm the lamp itself or anything. But you do have to operate the lamp with both the main switch and the lamp rotating switch together.

And the only sad thing is you won’t be able to dim it or crank it up using your lamp switch. You will just get the 60-watt light out of the bulb.

Can I Use a 3-Way Bulb in a 2-Way Lamp? 

A two-way lamp is basically a two-stage lighting system. A 3-way bulb works with 2 filaments either lighting separately or together to give you the 3-way color tone. 

By putting it in a 2-way lamp, you are basically turning it into a regular bulb. So it will light up on its lowest setting. As 2-way lamps have only one connector on the bottom, it will light up the 50W filament of the 3-way bulb.

Can I Use a Regular Led Bulb in a 3-Way Lamp?

The answer is yes. LED bulbs are just advanced technologies in the lighting system. They are different in their building nature, not in electrical output or connection. 

So you can definitely use a regular LED bulb in a 3-way lamp. And it will work perfectly. But you won’t have the 3-way lamps’ tone changing.

Can You Put a 100-Watt Bulb in a 3-Way Lamp?

A 3-way lamp operates safely at 50W, 100W, and also 150W. So you can put a 100-watt bulb in a 3-way lamp and it will light up. You can also put on a 150-watt bulb and it will work.

But you will be stuck with the same wattage level, as there is only one filament in these bulbs. So your lamp settings won’t work anymore with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I put a standard bulb in a 3-way lamp?

Yes. You can put a standard bulb in a 3-way lamp. It will light up perfectly. Though you will need to operate with both the main switch and the lamp dining switch together. Pushing the switch’s settings above the wattage of the light will end you up with turning the light off. Otherwise, it will be fine.

Do smart light bulbs work in a 3-way lamp?

Yes. A smart bulb has the same power-up connectors as regular bulbs. Its smart features don’t get affected by where it is put at. It will work like a normal smart bulb even put in a 3-way lamp. Just make sure it is turned on on both switches. The main and the lamps own.

Can I use a 60-watt LED bulb in a 3-way lamp?

Yes. You can use a 60-watt LED bulb in a 3-way lamp. As normal 3-way lamps can power up to 150 watts, you can use anything in between and it will work fine. The only thing is you will be left with a default brightness level of the bulb.

Can I use an LED bulb in a 3-way lamp?

Yes. You can use an LED bulb in a 3-way lamp. It won’t cause any damage or malfunction to your lamp. They are just differently made bulbs with the same characteristics of lighting. Just make sure the wattage is within the limits of 50-150 or your lamp’s limits.


3-way lamps are one of the aesthetics that are still with us. Having the ability to dim them whenever you need them and warm them up is something out of the movies. But you can put on regular bulbs if necessary and it won’t harm your lamp in any way. But to put the classics in play, replacing the bulb with a 3-way bulb is the best way to go. There are even LED 3-way bulbs that run longer than the ones that came with your lamps.

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